Oils for different rooms

Oils for different rooms

Want to take your interior design to new heights? Then you can actually use scent. Research shows that scents have the ability to evoke emotions in us. They can calm us down, focus us, or give us a nice tingle in our stomach.

So, since scent can trigger positive emotions and affect how we feel, it's great to use at home.

They can - in addition to furniture, materials, colors and decorations - reinforce the emotions you want to feel in your home.

So how should you scent your home?

Think about what scents you like and think about what you use the room for and how you want it to feel.

NOKO tips - essential oils for different rooms:
Children's room - lavender, orange and bergamot
Bedroom - ylang ylang, lavender, sleep and relaxation
Kitchen - lemon, orange and lemongrass
Living room - bergamot, lemon and orange
Hallway - black spruce and energy
Bathroom - rosemary, black spruce and morning

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