Make your own fabric softener!

Make your own fabric softener scented with your favorite fragrance. Eco-friendly, effective and fun with only 3 ingredients. Kind to the environment, to your laundry and to your skin.


2 dl Water
4,5 dl 24% Vinegar
15-20 drops of essential oil e.g. Eucalyptus or Lavender.

Mix in a glass bottle and shake well.

Add 1-2 tbsp and wash as usual.

Why vinegar?
Vinegar neutralizes any detergent residues that often remain in clothes and can irritate the skin. In addition, vinegar removes bad smells from clothes. Vinegar also helps to keep the washing machine clean.

Why Lavender or Eucalyptus oil?
Both lavender and eucalyptus are so-called antibacterial and have germ-killing properties.


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